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Free for 3 days USD $9.95/month
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We're pretty sure that you're going to want to share "Breakneck Shakespeare" with your students or audiences, not just for a week-long rental, but at any time your group needs a boost of excitement. To demonstrate this, we're celebrating our grand opening with a 15-day free subscription! Those who subscribe by April 1, 2022 are grandfathered in as "Founding Members" at an absurdly low $19.95/mo! No matter how many shows and explainers we add to the site! Those will be part of your package, with NO INCREASE to your cost!

In the coming year, we'll be adding "Breakneck Romeo & Juliet" and "Lot o' Shakespeare" to the mix, as well as a series of our popular "explainer" videos (like our coming four-part series, "I Finally Get 'Friends, Romans, Countrymen"!) Those new items automatically roll into your subscription package, even if the price for new subscribers rises!


Yearly Subscription Discount

Free for 7 days USD $99.95/year
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You never know when you're going to need a special event to wake your students up! The full-year subscription discount gives you that special hidden weapon all year long! Get three months free!