Whether you’re a fan of the Bard or you think Shakespeare is hard...
you’ve come to the right place! Tim Mooney makes Shakespeare approachable and compelling for students and teachers alike with his witty and wonderful Breakneck versions of some of Shakespeare’s most popular plays. Explore the site to find plenty of free content, or subscribe to get access to everything, including full productions. Ready to host a live performance or workshop? Contact us today!

BREAKNECK JULIUS CAESAR: "Mooney hits the sweet spot and works each transition like a trained Tasmanian Devil in a toga. As an English teacher who tackles this wonderful bit of history and tragedy every spring, I was able to learn new tidbits and enjoy new nuances that I'll be sure to take back to my Alaskan classroom. Huzzah, Mr. Mooney, huzzah!"
Michael Shaeffer, HS English Teacher
“Tim Mooney is one of those people that do something very difficult and make it look like it's so easy that it's fun. It isn't just fast Shakespeare, it's a lesson, it's an acting performance, it's a game, it's always a superhuman feat that looks effortless... a masterclass at Shakespeare's Globe.”
Casey Ross, Artistic Director/Playwright, Catalyst Repertory Theatre
"I’ve enjoyed Timothy Mooney’s shows live for years. I can see a noticeable rise in enthusiasm after his visits. He’s like a sugar shot in our students’ young brains. They loved it – across the board – and seeing kids that excited about theatre is incredible. And they understood it. After attending his Zoom performance of 'Shakespeare’s Histories; Ten Epic Plays at Breakneck Pace,' I continue to be impressed with his ability to entertain and educate ‘students’ of all ages! I can’t wait to see more of his Zoom shows, and highly recommend his Zoom performances to all theatre students, educators, or anyone who wants to have a fun theatre experience without leaving the house."
Dr. Joe Kreizinger Chair, Department of Fine and Performing Arts, Northwest Missouri State University